Brief - Vibons


The info you provide on this form will guide us in our quest to deliver a beautiful project. We appreciate your detailed answers!

Project Name:
The main purpose of the video?
Tip: Be specific and precise like: “This video aims to promote new company portal to all employees” or “This video is to train sales reps about presentation techniques”
For this audience...
Attach your file(s):
Is there any specific deadline for the project?
I do not have any specific deadline
I have a specific deadline:
Project Details:

Please give us more information about your project (like the main features, the main point your viewers should remember, slogan etc.)

Tip: A picture worth thousand words! You can add video links that is similar to what your video would like to be.
Do you want to select a specific visual style?
Nope, you're the expert.
Yes. Show it to me!
Other Considerations...

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