6 Things You Should Know About Amazon's Training Method "Pivot" - The Vibons Blog

6 Things You Should Know About Amazon's Training Method "Pivot"

By Vibons   |    1 min read

6 Things You Should Know About Amazon's Training Method "Pivot"

By Vibons
 1 min read

Launched just last year, Amazon’s training program called ‘Pivot’ raised lots of questions in the business world and the media. The new program "Pivot," pairs the underperforming employee with a "subject matter expert" called Career Ambassadors who give guidance and support for a fixed period of time.

In an internal email, the company told Business Insider that "Pivot is a program for employees who show a sustained period of underperformance, despite coaching and support. The program provides employees with options to (1) improve performance, (2) voluntarily leave Amazon with severance, or (3) appeal their manager's decision to place them in Pivot."

Here are 6 things you should know about Pivot...

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