Glass Ceiling: An Unacknowledged Professional Barrier for Women
By Team Vibons
1 min read
Sharon C. Bolton published an article about how there are a lot of female managers but not that many CEOs in the corporate world. With statistical analysis and key points like Glass Walls, Boxed In and Continued Inequality, it makes for an eye opening read.
What we visualized into a motion graphic was her core idea of the “Glass Ceiling” to help spread the information.
To read the full article, check out - Why there are so many women managers, but so few women CEOs
"70% of junior managers are woman but in the middle management, only 34% are woman. Unless action is taken, the ILO Forecasts that it could be up to 200 years before women achieve parity with men at management level globally."
Quoted from Sharon C. Bolton
World Econonic Forum